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Spinal Mobility and Breath (exercise)

Spinal Mobility and Breath (exercise)

Today’s exploration does not come from the Alexander Technique or Dart tradition but it is closely linked with principles found in both. The exercise demonstrated and explained in this video is something that could be found in a modern dance class. I have put it in form of choreography which could be performed to music. You will find description of the exercise, demonstration to counts, and music. I use this exercise often as part of my warm up since it beautifully works on fluidity of flexion, extension, and lateral flexion of the spine, while linking the movements with the breath to produce a nice flowing sequence. 

I just wanted to make a quick correction to the explanation I made on the video: at some point I mentioned to keep the spine erect “without any curves”. What I meant to say was to maintain the natural curves of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral), without going to primary or secondary engagement. I didn’t mean to flatten the spine to artificially eliminate the curves. 

Try it out. If you like it, make it a part of your routine.

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Spirals: What Ballroom Dancing is Built On

Spirals: What Ballroom Dancing is Built On

Primary and Secondary Curves: the Secret to Power, Fluidity, and Control

Primary and Secondary Curves: the Secret to Power, Fluidity, and Control